Piggability Testing
Propipe has a dedicated pig testing facility in Hartlepool, UK. Testing of pigs is regularly undertaken at the request of Operators, Installation Contractors, Pre-commissioning companies to confirm the piggability of a pipeline system in various scenarios.
The type of tests performed can vary from a dewatering performance test to a differential pressure holding test (for an isolation pig) through to full piggability testing for multi-diameters and pipeline features such as valves, wye pieces, tees, bends and reduced pipeline sections.
Test Setup
Bespoke test rigs are manufactured for each pipeline project. Each test rig is unique and often includes special simulated features such as reduced / oversized pipe sections, check valves, bends, wye pieces, tees and other features found in pipelines that may affect pig performance.
The test rig replicates the pipeline geometry and features as close as is practical to ensure accurate and meaningful test results. In addition to establishing the correct geometry and feature configuration, pipe spools can be internally coated with Polyurethane, wax of varying hardness, oil, etc. to closely simulate the pipeline conditions.

Prior to commencing the trials, a test matrix is produced to demonstrate pig functionality through the test rig. On-site pumping equipment is used to propel the pig through the test rigs at varying speeds for qualification. Test mediums are generally fresh water OR compressed – depending on the simulated application (e.g., Flooding, Dewatering OR Operational Pigging). Throughout the pig test program, high resolution data logging equipment is used to capture flow, pressure & pig position to evaluate performance. All logged data is captured and presented in a final report – which ultimately defines the final pig design and operational parameters.