
On site a team of design engineers utilize both 2D & 3D CAD packages to design all Propipe & Proplug products.  Products are taken from concept through to field use and are closely supported throughout all stages.

With our broad expertise and knowledge in subsea engineering we provide expert services at the field development, conceptual, FEED, detailed design and verification phases of oil, gas and renewables projects. 

Some examples of our capabilities can be seen below.

30” x 24” Multi-Diameter Pig



Field Use

14" ROV Operated Pipeline Plug



Field Use

56” x 30” Caisson Sealing Plug & Water Winning System



Field Use

Project Management

Teams of experienced Project Managers & Project Engineers are on hand to deliver large projects that require strict documentation and testing packages to be followed. 

All project management is formally controlled with each project being allocated a dedicated, qualified and experienced project engineer.

This engineer is responsible for all planning activities, progress reporting and is the client’s primary point of contact throughout the lifetime of the project.


Documentation provided with products can be anything from a Certificate of Conformity (CofC) all the way through to a fully constructed documentation package.

Full documentation packages are administered by the project manager and controlled using a master document register. 

Examples of documentation provided are:

  • Engineering / Feasibility Studies
  • Inspection & Test Plans
  • HSEQ Plans
  • Test Procedures & Reports
  • Risk Assessments
  • Paint / Cathodic Protection Reports