Multi-Diameter Pigs
From small diameter changes of 10-20mm Propipe has developed designs that are now capable of passing in excess of 200mm changes in ID without loss of seal or performance.
Pigs that are capable of passing through pipelines with two or more changes in diameter have been available for many years, however, to make a dual-diameter pig or multi-diameter pig that is also capable of negotiating such large diameter changes whilst still performing at the highest level is not so easy. Propipe has, through experience and also through extensive in-house testing, gained the reputation as being able to provide pigs that are highly effective but also able to negotiate such large diameter changes.
Selection of the correct pig is part of a detailed process but pigs can be chosen from the following range:
- Foam Pig
- Foam Disc Pig
- All-Polyurethane Cast Pig
- Bi-Di Pig
- Wheeled-Support Pig
Selection of each pig is made based on customer requirements and specifications but also after careful review of the pipeline details and the intended pigging application.
A desk-top study and full scale piggability testing allows each pig to be carefully designed and tuned to provide the very best performance.
Experienced Propipe personnel are always on-hand to provide advice and recommendations.